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Hi there! I’m Max, and I’m allergic to peanuts and eggs. I’m going to follow along with you as you explore this site!.png
About This Site:

"Overcoming Childhood Anxiety: Food Allergies" was created as a part of an Honors Capstone Project at The University of Alabama. Its goal is to reduce anxiety in children with food allergies by educating them on what their allergy is and how to manage it. Research has shown that education in areas such as these has been effective, but there has yet to be a comprehensive resource published or popularized. Hopefully, this website will become that!

About The Author:

Helen Hoye is a senior honors student at The University of Alabama, currently enrolled in the Honors Capstone course. She is majoring in chemistry with the hopes of attending medical school and one day becoming an allergist. She herself has a peanut allergy, so the impact of this project is particularly important to her.

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